Previous HIR Research Projects
ASHE - American Society for Healthcare Engineering A Program of the American Hospital Association
Identify recent innovation based on actual project outcomes from the past three years…
NIBS National Institute of Building Sciences
The most important stakeholder, by far, in the process of shaping healthcare infrastructure is the Owner. And yet, most owners don’t effectively exert the project controls available to them. How owners organize their internal decision and accountability structure is perhaps the single most critical element in producing successful project outcomes.
NIBS National Institute of Building Sciences
NIBS National Institute of Building Sciences
NIBS National Institute of Building Sciences
NIBS National Institute of Building Sciences
RBI Rice University Building Institute
We identified 65 industry leading firms, representing all functional elements of the process, who participated in a 2-year program to search for process improvement.
RBI Rice University Building Institute
Forty American Academic Medical Centers participated in this study.
RBI Rice University Building Institute
RBI Rice University Building Institute
The processes and procedures currently in place to program, plan, design, and construct healthcare facilities have become fragmented. The purpose of this initiative is to re-integrate relevant architectural, engineering, and construction efforts.
RBI Rice University Building Institute
Within the Military Healthcare System, professionals agree that it should cost more to build on American military bases. The question is: What is the acceptable cost premium?
RBI Rice University Building Institute
These are a series of one-day events designed to engage the private sector plus the DoD in an ongoing search for process innovation.
RBI Rice University Building Institute
What will be required for the next generation of firms in the AEC industry to acquire a position of market prominence?